I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for awhile now and figured it was about time to actually do it, mostly to keep track of the things I learn and share it with others.

I really wanted to avoid bloated content sites such as Wordpress and much preferred the idea of a static site. After a little research, I discovered a project called Hugo which offers easy static site generation with posts written in markdown. I’m a huge fan of markdown, so I’m thinking this was the best choice.

On top of this, I discovered that CloudFlare offers free site hosting for personal use, and can even hook into your GitHub account to monitor for repository changes and rebuild the site if they are detected.

Cloudflare Automated Deployment

This makes it exceptionally easy to write and publish new posts without relying on clunky, bloated content publishing tools. I simply write a new post in markdown and publish it my blog repository and everything else happens automagically.

I’m really going to try to regularly post here. I have a few projects in mind and courses on the agenda so I plan on sharing some useful tidbits from those.

Thanks for reading.